Our Supporters
Our Partner Schools
We are grateful to our partner schools who help Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona offer quality educational experiences to our scholars.

Thank you to our valued School Tuition Organizations!
Through directed state tax credits, School Tuition Organizations (STO’s) provide tuition scholarships to underserved families and students who desire an education at one of the Catholic schools Arizona believes in. Arizona’s private education tax credit empowers individuals and corporations to choose what their tax dollars support and greatly impacts Catholic schools. If you are interested to learn more about the Private Education Tax Credit and how you can support BHGHAZ scholars, click here, or contact one of our valued STO’s, who are integral in providing tuition for our scholars.
Our Individual, Corporate, and Foundation Partners
Alliance Bank of Arizona
Arcadia Capital LLC
Laurie and Drew Brown
Bruner Foundation
Camelot Homes
Mark Cockrill
Creative Environments
Patricia and Phil Dion
Colleen and James Edwards
Mimi and Ace Evans
Branch 12 Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Supply
Lee Ann and Richard Fennessy
Fundamental Income
Geddes and Company
Kathleen and John Graham
Elizabeth and Michael Haenel
Leslie Hancock
Harrison Properties
Hensley Beverage Company
Jackie and Bob Hutt
JEN Partners, LLC
Teresa and Mark King
Kristin and Eric Kufel
Tally and Nate Nathan
National Bank of Arizona
Elaine O’Toole
Lanelle B. Robson Foundation
Kerrick David Rousseau
Maureen and Paul Rubeli Foundation
Scottsdale Saguaros
John N. Simons, Jr
Pamela Slomski
Snell & Wilmer, LLP
Elizabeth and Ronald Stoll
The Glen Swette Charitable Trust
Taylor Morrison
Cathy and Ronald Tisch
Tridave, LLC
U-Haul International Phoenix
UMB Bank Arizona
Van Tuyl Companies Inc.
VREF Capital, Inc
Tiffany and Dan Waters
Sandy and Charlie Williams
Trina and Tucker Woodbury
World Wide Technology Foundation
Kathy and Steven Young
American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation Inc.
APS / Pinnacle West
Arizona Cardinals Football
Catholic Education Arizona
Executive Council Charities
Garcia Family Foundation
Diane & Bruce Halle Foundation
American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation Inc.
APS / Pinnacle West
Arizona Cardinals Football
Catholic Education Arizona
Executive Council Charities
Garcia Family Foundation
Diane & Bruce Halle Foundation
—As of June 30, 2022—